Practice Areas

Labor & Employment

As China refines its labor and employment legislation, the relationship between employer and employee is constantly evolving. Understanding your obligations and rights can minimize conflicts and increase efficiency. Hua Kan’s Labor & Employment Practice Group has extensive expertise and experience in PRC labor and employment law, and is especially familiar with all aspects of HR management. We are adept at handling cross-border labor and employment issues and consistently deliver optimal solutions for our clients.

Scope of Services
●Reviewing and revising employment contracts, service contracts, working agreements, dispatch agreements for senior management and other employees
●Planning and implementing workforce reduction plans and strategies
●Assisting in investigations and evidence gathering related to employee terminations
●Drafting domestic and international outsourcing plans, employment of foreigners, and drafting related employment contracts, labor dispatch agreements, and work arrangement agreements
●Providing legal services related to China’s Trade Union Law, such as trade union establishment, collective bargaining negotiations and dispute resolution
●Training employees on labor and employment law, compliance / anti-corruption and protecting clients’ trade secrets
●Designing employee transfer strategies and compensation plans in the context of mergers and acquisitions
●Designing enterprise workforce reduction plans
●Resolving legal issues for employee outsourcing contracts
●Formation of enterprise trade union or employee representative congress
●Selection and changes in employee representatives, employee supervisor board members, and enterprise trade union representatives
●Operation of trade union functions within the enterprise
●Drafting and revising collective bargaining contracts
●Representing corporate clients in labor dispute litigation and appeals
●Representing corporate clients in labor dispute negotiations
●Representing corporate clients in group arbitration and class action

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